Papilio garamas

Magnificent Swallowtail

Basic Information

General information

Family: Papilionidae
Sub Family: Papilioninae
Estimated Lifespan 14 Days

Garden Specific Information

Estimated Number In Flight: 0
Total Number of Pupae Received: 140
First Flown On: 09/25/09
Last Flown On: 08/12/22

Species Range:

  • NorthAmerica

Host plants:

  • The larvae are known to feed on magnolia and avocado.

Food Source

Adults are known to feed from a variety of plants, including Lantana.

Etymology Of Name

The genus Papilio is Latin for Butterfly. The origin of the species garamas is currently unknown.


The Magnificent Swallowtail is primarily found in forested areas, but they often venture into urban areas.

Life history

Males patrol for receptive females. After mating the female lays her eggs on the host plants. The larvae feed on the host plant until they are ready to pupate.


Adults can be observed in the wild from February through November.

Fun Facts

Systematically, the Magnificent Swallowtail is in an interesting position. Traditionally the Magnificent Swallowtail belonged to the genus Papilio. Recently it was published that the species has enough distinct traits to justify moving it out of the Papilio genus. Now, when you look in the literature, some list it as being Papilio, while others have it down as Pterourus.